A lot of events occurred in this episode; Rand and Mat were shifted to the background and the episode centered on the other characters namely Perrin, Egwene and Nynaeve.

Perrin and Egwene are introduced to the lifestyle of the Tuatha'an and Aram and his family get more screen time. Perrin continues to face the trauma incurred by the death of his wife and Egwene gets on pretty well with Aram and his family.

Now, to the juicy part

At the end of episode 3, we were greeted with a glimpse of the false Dragon, Logain; the latest in a series of men who have claimed the title of the Dragon Reborn and warred against nations.

It is revealed in a flashback that he successfully defeated and subdued the king of Ghealdan. Two dark figures whisper to him when facing the king. But, against their advice; he spares the King's life.

He later claims in the episode that the figures were the voices of his past lives as the Dragon ( cough... Avatar cough).

Fast forward to the present, and Logain is shown to be captured and imprisoned by the Aes Sedai in their makeshift camp. They plan to transport him to the white tower. Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve have fallen in with the Aes Sedai and; on meeting Logain, Moiraine begins to have concerns that he might actually be the Dragon.

The episode passes quickly with Nynaeve bantering with Lan and the other warders. Moiraine takes turns along with the other Aes Sedai and it seems like the episode would end up quite uneventful. Then, Logain's army attacks.

The few Aes Sedai and warders rally to protect themselves but the sheer number of enemies and their reluctance to kill means that they end up being pushed back. Of course, they can use magic and over time, the battle begins to turn in their favor.

The camera then cuts to Logain's cell and in an instant, he breaks free; incapacitating Liandrin and Kerene. He takes his time breaking free for dramatic effect and Moiraine eventually arrives as he gets free. He then makes his claim to being the dragon and Moiraine is forced to make a difficult decision.

She decides that Logain is not the Dragon and along with the other two Aes Sedai, they attack him. An altercation ensues and Kerene is killed in the conflict while protecting Moiraine and Liandrin. The two continue to attack Logain.

Kerene's warder is alerted at her death and they all rush to the cave in which Logain was imprisoned. They burst in to witness the standoff between Logain and the two Aes Sedai and Kerene.

Kerene's warder attacks Logain to get revenge and Logain defends himself with a shield of air. The shield begins to crack and Logain detonates his shield. It shatters the warder's weapons and shrapnel impales most of the characters.

The Aes Sedai are down; the warders are down, Moiraine is gravely injured and Lan is bleeding out. The only person left standing ... is Nynaeve

Main character >>>> Actual magic!!!

Nynaeve rushes to the dying Lan and tries to stauch the bleeding. Logain stands back calmly, waiting (convenient, right?). Eventually, she realizes that it is a lost cause and Lan is about to die. She lets out a scream and intense light fills the cave. When the light dims, everyone has been healed and Logain is weakened.

The Aes Sedai quickly take advantage to link(combining their power) and restrain Logain. Liandrin forcibly gentles him(cutting him off from the one power) and with that; Logain, the scourge of Ghealdan is finished.

It is quite evident to everyone in the chamber that without Nynaeve, Logain would have won and the tower would have lost.

Is Nynaeve the Dragon Reborn?

Moiraine mentioned to Logain that he was like a candle beside the raging sun that was the Dragon Reborn and Nynaeve managed to overpower him greatly without knowledge or training with her power.

This raises a pretty good case for her to be the Dragon especially since the Prophecies of the Dragon haven't yet been mentioned in the series.

Unfortunately, I can't deliver an answer yet. It's gonna take 4 more weeks but rest assured, we will soon find out the identity of the Dragon Reborn. In the meantime, just sit back and keep watching.