Bad guys have henchmen. It's an ironclad rule and when you are the biggest and worst of them all; you need to have actual armies to do your bidding and help you kill all of humanity.

So, here's a guide to frequently encountered Shadowspawn in the Wheel of Time TV Series. This article will be updated as more Shadowspawn are shown in the series.

What are Shadowspawn?

Shadownspawn is a generic name for non-human creatures that serve the dark one. Most of them are artificially created life-forms that can be multiplied almost endlessly. At the moment, only two types of shadowspawn have been shown in the tv series.


These represent the titular orcs seen in other media but are vastly different in some ways. They are by far the most abundant variety of Shadowspawn, Trollocs have the body of a man and the head and feet of an animal such as a bear, bird, wolf, or goat. Trollocs are quite large, generally around eight feet tall. They are unable to swim, and will not even wade through waist-deep water.

Trollocs can see well in the dark, but bright light will blind them temporarily. Some may track by scent or sound, but they are lazy and easily give up unless driven to pursue their prey. Trollocs kill for the sheer pleasure of killing.

A Trolloc. Yeah, scary 

The Eyeless

They are known by other names such as Fade, Myrddraal, Halfmen and are much smarter and stronger than Trollocs. They are exceedingly hard to kill and carry cursed weapons that deliver wounds that do not heal. Every fade is a match for a good swordsman and more often than not will overpower any single enemy. They possess the ability to enter places even without obvious openings and they can communicate telepathically with each other.

They usually command contingents of Trollocs and serve to direct their dumb cousins to further the Dark One's wishes.

An event known as the Trolloc wars happened thousands of years before the present day. It involved large armies of Trollocs, Fades, and other Shadowspawn swooping out of the blight to wage war against the human nations. It eventually led to the fall and collapse of some of these nations including Manetheren. The trollocs were eventually beaten back and humanity can live in relative peace.

But, places close to the blight (called the Borderlands) still live in fear of a trolloc attack and invasion.