A long time ago, in an age long past. A group of scientists discovered another source of magic; different from the one power and accessible by anyone. They were excited by their discovery and built ways to access the power. Eventually, they built a channel, a device that bored a hole in the pattern itself and created a gap for the dark one to enter their world.

That was the beginning of the war, which destroyed most of the world as the dark one subverted a large number of people to his side; enticing them with promises of power and wealth. But, humanity did not give up and resisted as much as it could.

Over time, a certain person came to the forefront. He became the spearhead of humanity's efforts. He fought time and time again against the forces of the dark one and he became humanity's home.

He was Lews Therin Thelamon and as he fought battle after battle; he came to be known by another name — The Dragon.

Of course, pride is never far from a success and as his successes increased; so did his pride and he came to believe that he was the one chosen by the wheel,  chosen by the pattern, chosen to save the world. He believed that Lews Therin Thelamon would save the world.

To achieve this, he concocted a plan. To create a seal over the pattern and cover once again the hole that the scientists had made. If he could do this, the dark one would be pushed out of the pattern and all his followers would lose their strength. It was a perfect solution, created by a perfect mind. Surely, it could never fail?

The Rift with the Aes Sedai

At that time, the Aes Sedai were composed of male and female channelers working with the one power, and when the Dragon proposed his plan; the female Aes Sedai refused to work with it, calling it brash and reckless. This led to a falling out between the two factions and an angered Lews Therin eventually decided to do it alone.

He gathered the male Aes Sedai(nicknamed the Hundred Companions)and together they struck out to the heart of the enemy's land and there they tried to seal the bore and save the world.

The attack on The Bore

Shayol Ghul — The location where the dragon tried to seal the bore

Lews Therin and his men launched an attack on the bore attempting to seal it forever and push the dark one out of the pattern. They succeeded in patching it over, lessening the power of the dark one but they were unable to seal him away completely.

Even worse news was that the attempt had allowed the dark one to touch their source of magic and he consequently tainted it as a counterstroke to the acts of Lews Therin Telamon and the Hundred Companions. In their daring attack, the bore was sealed using saidin, but because saidin was touched to the Dark One in closing the gap, he was able to inflict a taint on it.

The effect of the taint

The taint placed on saidin instantly drove all members of the Hundred Companions mad and doomed all other present and future male channelers to insanity and slow death. All the ancient male Aes Sedai eventually went mad and tore the world apart, casing the event referred to as "The breaking of the world".

Over time the male Aes Sedai all died out and to prevent the breaking from ever happening again, the female Aes Sedai took it upon themselves to gentle or kill every man who could touch the power.

But, the dark one was still not sealed, and over time; the patch would weaken. Humanity would need a champion to fight a battle, the last battle. And, once and for all seal the dark one and free the wheel.

The dragon must be born again and if it is a man, what will the Aes Sedai do?

Keep watching the wheel of time to find out:

Watch The Wheel of Time - Season 1 | Prime Video
Set in an epic fantasy world, The Wheel of Time follows Moiraine (Rosamund Pike), a member of the incredibly powerful all-female organization called the Aes Sedai, as she arrives in the small town of Two Rivers. There, she embarks on a dangerous, world-spanning journey with five young villagers, one…